How to remove accidental payment

Here's the correct step-by-step guide on how to remove an accidental payment from an invoice in InvoiceQuick:

Access the Transactions Page:

  • From the sidebar or main menu, click on "Transactions" to access the transactions page.

Select the Transactions Tab:

  • Within the transactions page, you should see different tabs. Click on the "Payments" tab to view a list of payments made.

Identify the Payment to Remove:

  • Locate the specific payment that you want to remove due to an accidental payment. Payments are typically listed with details like the payment date, customer name, and payment amount.

Click on Three Dots (Options):

  • Next to the payment you wish to remove, you should see three dots or an options menu icon (often represented as three horizontal lines or dots). Click on these three dots to access payment options.

Select "Delete":

  • From the options menu, click on "Delete" to initiate the removal process for the selected payment.

Confirm Removal:

  • A confirmation dialog box or prompt will appear, asking you to confirm the removal of the payment.

Refresh the Page:

  • After confirming the removal, refresh the transactions or payments page to update the list. The removed payment should no longer appear in the list.

By following these steps, you can successfully remove an accidental payment from an invoice in InvoiceQuick, ensuring that your records accurately reflect the financial transactions.

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